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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Art exhibition ‘synth-ethic‘

Synth-ethic presents art work related to Synthetic Biology :

Friday, May 27, 2011

Open science: a future shaped by shared experience

Mapping the human genome showed how the internet can play a vital part in collective scientific research. Now more scientists are collaborating – and inviting amateurs and colleagues from other disciplines to get involved.

Cathal Garvey demonstrating Do-it-Yourself DNA extraction in a tent

Wow, Cool stuff!

Cathal Garvey demonstrating Do-it-Yourself DNA extraction in a tent from smarimc on Vimeo.

Biopunks, biohackers, and the movement to own your own DNA

On DNA Day, 23 and Me had a sale on their personal genomics service. They'd do their standard scan of your genome for free, as long as you paid for a year's worth of their online subscription service.