Carousel of books I enjoyed reading

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Redefining Open Source for Synthetic Biology


Synthetic biology is an emerging technology combining information technology and biology. One notable presumption of synthetic biology is that scientists, with the assistance of computers, can create new life form without using naturally occurring organisms as references. However, it may be an overstatement in practice, because, even a single-base variation in a genome might dictate whether the synthetic organism could survive. Unlike the open source in information technologies, the open-source movement in synthetic biology raises biosafety concerns. The Article proposed a modified version of open source for the development of synthetic biology.

 Download article here:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Another introduction to synthetic biology

Title says all (click here) : 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Open : BioCurious? The DIY garage biology movement

Would you enjoy reprogramming lab bacteria with DNA from a jellyfish to make them glow green? How about hacking your own genetic data to find out what percentage of the Neanderthal genome you share?  Or building a device that splits water into oxygen and hydrogen? Read more :

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

BBC Horizon: Playing God

Adam Rutherford meets a new creature created by American scientists. It is part goat, part spider, and its milk can be used to create artificial spider's web. Read more :

Monday, January 16, 2012

Synthetic biology helps to develop "greener bombs"

"The objective of this Statement of Need (SON) is to develop innovative synthetic biological approaches to produce critical U.S. military energetic ingredients and their precursors using renewable resources and bioprocesses that reduce hazardous waste streams, energy usage, and waste disposal costs encountered with the existing conventional organic manufacturing processes. Both fundamental research to develop approaches applicable to these classes of compounds as well as applied research targeting a specific energetic compound or precursor is of interest."
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